Internet Architecture Video

Back sometime in 2004/2005 when I was the CIO/SVP of Engineering for CNET Networks, they shot a video of me explaining, “Scaling out an Internet Architecture“.  I was thinking about the current publishing system at AOL, DynaPub, that we developed in 2007 after I arrived.  It was interesting after I watched the video again how close DynaPub follows the key principles described in it.

The only parts the video does not cover are:

  • Use of Lucene as the Search engine and SOLR as the container to hold Lucene (we invented SOLR while I was at CNET).
  • Use of XML over HTTP as the transport layer between the App Servers and DBs / Search engine.
  • Use of denormalized MySQL tables for speed
  • The main tool, the CMS, and its very specialized table structure for high-performance.

The AOL Publishing system is the fourth generation publishing system that I have been involved in either designing or managing.  IMHO, most of the: bloated, over-designed, needlessly complex issues from previous publishing systems have been eradicated in DynaPub.  It also has ZERO licensing or maintenance costs as it is all built on open-source – including the operating system – as mentioned in a previous blog post here.

Ted Cahall

Author: Ted Cahall

Ted Cahall is an executive, engineer, entrepreneur as well as amateur race car driver. He combined his skills as an engineer and passion for racing by developing the points tracking website for the Washington DC region of the SCCA.